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miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2016

IT'S CHRISTMAS TIME! (3rd, 5th and 6th grades)

Christmas is coming! During these days previous to the Christmas holidays we are learning cultural aspects from other cultures around the world, developing intercultural awareness and tolerance.

Apart from learning vocabulary related to Christmas, we are going to watch some videos about how other countries celebrate Christmas and listen to some Christmas carols.

Also, we will make Christmas cards and some art and craft related to this festivity.

lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2016

5th Grade - We are experts on animals (Projects)

In this unit, we will make different projects: I have already explained one of them, that is, the creation and description of a hybrid animal; and the other project will be the creation of a lapbook or booklet about the animal classification (just the main classes we have learned at class).

If you click on the photo there will be a link to a website where you can see an animal lapbook. It was elaborated by children from Tailand. We will do this project in small groups.

Here you are another link to a similar animal classification lapbook, just click on the image.

sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2016


El fin del aula de convivencia es:
1.-Reconocer qué normas se han incumplido.
2.-Reflexionar sobre los motivos que nos han llevado a actuar de una manera inapropiada.
3.-Recapacitar y plantear posibles soluciones, además de dar consejos para mejorar la convivencia en el centro.

miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2016

6th grade- JOBS

In this unit, we are going to learn a lot of vocabulary of many jobs. Also, you will be able to talk about the different workplaces and activities which are connected to these jobs. In addition, we will relate this unit to the project we are performing in social science about the sectors of the economy.

Below, you have a very short video about the three sectors of an economy. Could you classify the different jobs into these sectors of an economy?

You can find lots of games to practise the topic of jobs if you click on the images. So, click on the pictures and learn English at the same time you enjoy!!

5th grade - Unit 2: We are experts on animals

As we are learning English contents related to the projects that are being performed at class, the second unit for the fifth graders is about animals. For lots of years they have been learning about animals.

This time the students will practise the description of animals through funny activities such as the creation of a hybrid animal as you can see below:

To create new hybrid animals we will use a fantastic tool I have just found out.

Explanation of the task:
1. Click here to create your own hybrid animal.
2. Choose an animal.
3. Change the head, legs and tail, choosing different animals.
4. Once you have finished the creation of your new hybrid animal, click on "PHOTO".
5. There, click on "Add title" and "Add story", so you can describe your new hybrid animal.
Here you are an example:

6. When you finish it click on "Print", so you can save your task.

In addition the students will become more aware of the natural world and how the animals can be classified into different categories. 

Next, you can see important information about animal classification:

Click on the image to learn and play about animals.

Here you are another link to play more games about animal classification. Just click on the image and start to play.

The Space (Unit 1) - Describing the solar system and comparing planets

We have already finished our first unit about the Space. Although I could not have enough time to update this blog, I would like to share some materials we have been working on from the beginning of this school year.

Here you are the vocabulary we have learnt:

The students created excellent activities about the space. Below you can see some of them:

lunes, 24 de octubre de 2016

Hellooooooooo again!!

Due to personal reasons I won't be able to involve myself too much in the update of this blog. However, I will try to post as much as possible.

Today, I want to share with you an interesting video about how Halloween is celebrated in many parts around the world. I hope you learn many traditions of this famous festival.

jueves, 9 de junio de 2016

Descriptions of my pupils' ancestors!!

This is our last project in English this academic year! I hope you enjoy the videos and you can appreciate your progress!! I am happy with your effort and your final results!!

miércoles, 1 de junio de 2016

Description of an ancestor

You have studied the past simple tense with regular verbs. Now, you are learning some irregular verbs in past simple tense. In this unit, I propose you to do a project which consists of doing a trip to the past and describing a person.

For this project, you can:

1) Dress up as a person of the past and have someone (the teacher) take your picture.
2) Print a photo of a person of the past and bring it to the class.

Then, you are going to prepare the descriptions of these photos and record them.

Here you are an example of what I expect from you.

domingo, 29 de mayo de 2016

FINAL TASK - Lesson Planning & CLIL Task and Activities

Session 1: Introduction
Main body activity: Let's watch a video!

How does human activity impact on the environment?
This video explains some of the problems our planet has, and also, some solutions are given to "be green". "Be green" means to care our planet.

 Session 3: Controlled-practice 
Warm up activity: Gallery Walk

Examples of posters (source: Pinterest)

Examples of videos:

Examples of news clippings from "Teachingkidsnews.com": (Click on the captions of the images to read the news)

jueves, 12 de mayo de 2016


We are learning the past simple tense. Below, you can see a mind map with the uses, the different forms (affirmative, negative and interrogative), the adverbs and time expressions for the past, and the verb to be in past simple tense.

Also, we are studing the pronunciation of ED.

 We need to know how to read the years. We can do it in different ways:
-Reading all the number.
-Reading the number dividing it into two.
Here you are some examples:

Click on the images to play the games!


viernes, 8 de abril de 2016

2 de ABRIL - Día del Autismo

El pasado sábado, día 2 de abril, fue celebrado el día del autismo. Nosotros lo hemos celebrado durante la semana.

Tenemos la suerte de tener en nuestro cole un aula específica del autismo, con unos alumnos "especialistas" que poseen unos "superpoderes" que los hace únicos. Y tras el visionado de los siguientes vídeos sacamos la conclusión que somos nosotros/as los que tenemos que contribuir a ayudarlos porque son "solo cuatro esquinitas de nada". =)

miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2016